Health and Safety Policy Statement
T.J.S. Tree Services Limited aims to consistently provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment for all our staff. We are committed to the prevention of occupational accidents leading to injury and ill health. To achieve this, we endeavour to comply fully and rigorously with all Health and Safety Legislations and codes of practice, industry best practice and safe work methods available.
We undertake to provide, so far as it is reasonably practice:
Safe systems of work
A safe place of work with safe access and exits
Safe plant and equipment
Safe means of handling and transporting articles, substances and people
All necessary training, instruction and supervision
A safe and healthy environment
Adequate welfare facilities
T.J.S. Tree Services Limited is committed to continuous improvement in the management of health and safety through the implementation of this policy, aims to improve its occupational health and safety performance and achievement of the following objectives;
To identify all hazards associated with our activities and ensure that risks are eliminated or controlled to a level as low as reasonably practical
To consult with our employees on matters of health and safety and ensure that each employee is aware of their responsibility to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and other people’s health and safety and welfare and to report any situation which may pose a threat to the well being of any other person
To ensure that the manner in which we carry out our undertaking does not affect the health and safety of none employees, including contractors, temps, visitors and members of the public by our operations.
Environment Policy
T.J.S. Tree Services Limited is committed to minimising the impact its activities have on both the local and global environment, by taking all possible steps to prevent pollution, to avoid damage to habitats, and to reduce its carbon footprint.
The key points of our strategy to achieve this are as follows:
T.J.S. Tree Services and its workforce are committed to meet or exceed all relevant legal requirements, Environmental Legislation Standards, and Codes of Practice.
Nesting birds and their eggs are protected by law. Many other species such as bats and badgers are also protected, we work within the guidelines set out in the Wildlife and Countryside ct 1981, and Countryside and Rights of Way 2000 (CROW).
We promote reductions rather than removal of trees, where possible, and encourage replanting. Where possible we leave habitat piles (hibernacula) or dead standing stems (monoliths) to encourage diversity of wildlife, and minimise the impact on the local fauna.
We promote the reuse of waste materials, by selling our waste wood as logs for fuel, or as wood chip. All other green waste is sent to green waste recycling facilities (for composting), to minimise use of landfill. We operate in compliance with our Environment Agency Waste Disposal License.
We aim to minimise energy wastage, and reduce our carbon footprint, by using the most efficient routes of travel and the most appropriate vehicles for each job.
Vehicles and machinery are not left running idling when not in use.
We correspond via email where possible, and are working towards a paper free office.
Quality Policy
T.J.S. Tree Services Limited’s vision is to continue to retain and build upon its status as a major contributor to the enhancement of domestic, commercial and utility arboriculture.
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive management and maintenance service to all clients.
We are committed to:
Adding value to our activities in order to provide greater customer satisfaction that consistently meets agreed requirements and specifications.
Creating an innovative environment to attract and retain the best personnel in our industry.
Promoting continual professional development and capturing expertise in order to develop our position within the industry.
Fostering a culture whereby employees are given the opportunity to maximise their potential and fully participate the operation of the business.
Develop and maintain a culture of continuous improvement in the quality of services offered to customers and in the effectiveness and efficiency of the management systems adopted to deliver those services.